CBD Dog Usage 2020: How are Pet Owners Using it?

When it comes to CBD dog usage, we know we’re not the only ones taking advantage of this incredible natural plant. All around the world, pet owners are calling for increased awareness and access for their animals as well as themselves.

But is that call being answered?

A recent survey done by American Marijuana shows us that Americans are turning more and more to CBD for their pets. Here’s what that survey tells us

CBD Dog Usage

It’s easy to just say the CBD is great for our animals, or that people are using it for so many different things. But when we reach out to real people using it for their pets, it means so much more!

What is the goal of the survey? American Marijuana notes, “In this survey, we sought to determine who recommended that the participants use CBD for their pets and what the users’ main concerns about the use of CBD were before they used it on their pets.”

So, for those using CBD for their pets, who recommended it and what were owners’ main concerns?

Who Recommends CBD for Pets?

When asked who recommenced CBD to them, respondents overwhelmingly stated friends and family. We know the power of word of mouth, especially for something like CBD, so this wasn’t much of a surprise.

Other recommendations came from:

  • Vets (26.38%)
  • Pet forums/websites (12.48%)
  • Advertising (10.70%)

With vets recommending a quarter of all usage, surveyors were interested in finding out what vets typically offer when asked about CBD. The results tell us we have clearly made great strides as far as veterinary openness:

CBD dog usage
CBD for Pets: 2020 Study of 1061 U.S CBD Consumers – American Marijuana
  • 35.12% recommenced it
  • 24.42% stayed neutral on the topic
  • 11.59% wouldn’t talk about it
  • 11.41% overly advertise it
  • 10.52% doubt its effectiveness
  • 6.06% were strongly against its use
  • 0.89% never hear about CBD dog usage

[RELATED] Want to start using CBD for your pet, but not sure where to start. Check this out.

Main Concerns with CBD Dog Usage

So, we know where the recommendations are coming from, but people still had their own concerns. What are they?

The survey showed that pet owners are/were concerned about a few different things before using CBD:

  • 20% of pet owners were concerned about how efficient it might be. After using it, 56% of them were no longer worried about that.
  • 61% of the participants were worried about its safety. After using it, 40% of them were no longer concerned about that.
  • 20% of participants were concerned if CBD was worth it. After using it, 60% were less worried about that, and 25% no longer had this concern.

And what’s the best takeaway from the survey? Regardless of where people heard about CBD, who recommended it, or what their concerns were, after using it, 9 out of 10 would recommend CBD dog usage to others!

CBD dog usage
CBD for Pets: 2020 Study of 1061 U.S CBD Consumers – American Marijuana

We know CBD works wonders for animals of all kinds. And it’s great to see that we’re not the only ones!

[RELATED] Your dog has an endocannabinoid system just like you do. Here’s how it works when you give your dog CBD.