What are Hemp Seeds (& Do They Contain CBD)?

Hemp seeds are the seeds of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa.

Yes, that’s the same plant that gives us CBD and THC (and all those other beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids).

Knowing that, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that these tiny seeds carry a massive health punch.

So, what’s so great about them? And since they come from hemp, do they contain CBD?

Benefits of Hemp Seeds

There are several reasons to add hemp seeds to your diet. Firstly, they have a nutritional profile that leaves little to be desired… In fact, many people consider them a superfood. Here’s why:

1. Rich in healthy fats

These are small but mighty – and they pack a whole lot of fat. About 30%. But, it’s the good type of fat. They’re exceptionally rich in in the essential fatty advices linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3). They also contain gamma-linolenic acid.

This alone is a great reason to add them to your diet, but it gets better.

2. Great source of plant-based protein

About 25% of calories in hemp seeds come from protein. They’re almost comparable to beef and lamb. Of course, if you’re going for a plant-based diet, that’s a great source of energy!

They’re also considered a complete protein source, which is rare in the plant kingdom. Complete protein sources provide you with all the essential amino acids you need to thrive (the ones your body can’t produce on its own).

3. Good source of fibre

Everybody needs fibre. It’s a critical element of healthy digestion.

And whole hemp seeds are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber.

  • Soluble fiber dissolves in water and breaks down into a gel-like substance in your gut. It’s a valuable source of nutrients for beneficial digestive bacteria.
  • Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve and instead is left intact as food moves through the gastrointestinal tract. adds bulk to your stool and may help food and waste pass through your gut.

However, de-hulled or shelled seeds contain very little fiber because the fiber-rich shell has been removed.

4. Jam packed with vitamins and minerals

Hemp seeds contain an impressive array of vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamin E
  • magnesium
  • phosphorous
  • potassium
  • iron
  • zinc
  • niacin
  • riboflavin
  • thiamine
  • vitamin B-6
  • folate
hemp seeds

All of this nutrition is bound to have some health benefits. And they do:

  • Antioxidant-rich to help beat free radicals (and all their nastiness)
  • Boost heart health
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Help with joint pain and arthritis
  • Protect the brain
  • Good for the skin

[RELATED] CBD oil vs. Hemp oil: What’s the difference?

Adding Hemp Seeds to Your Diet

You can buy them whole or shelled (also know as hemp hearts) – both are amazing, but de-shelling does get rid of some of the fiber.

That said, hemp hearts may be a bit more convenient to add to food.

We love hemp seeds in or on just about anything. They have great flavour and add a great texture. Try adding a teaspoon to:

  • smoothies
  • yogurt
  • salad
  • stir-fry
  • muffins/breads
  • sandwiches
  • dips

Really, you can add these babies to just about anything!

And finally…

[RELATED] What about hemp oil? Is it just as good? Read this next!

Do Hemp Seeds Contain CBD?

There is some confusion about hemp seeds and CBD, probably because CBD also comes from hemp.

And while there is CBD in CBD hemp oil, there is no CBD in the seeds. They don’t contain any CBD. What about hemp seed oil? Nope, it doesn’t either.

Confused? That’s ok. Here’s a bit more explanation.

It all has to do where the oil is coming from. Yes, they both come from the hemp plant, but they’re from different parts of the plant.

  • The seeds of the hemp plant don’t contain CBD, so any oil extracted from them doesn’t contain CBD
  • Hemp buds, flowers, and leaves do contain CBD, so oil extracted from hemp flowers and leaves do contain CBD

Hopefully that cleared things up!