Vegan CBD: Is Your CBD Oil Vegan Friendly?

Whether you have chosen to forgo animal products for sustainability reasons, for a love of animals, for dietary needs, or for some other reason, it can sometimes be tough to determine if a specific product meets your requirements. And that includes CBD oil. Some companies market their products specifically as vegan CBD, while others don’t […]

Foods With Cannabinoids: Moving Beyond Cannabis & CBD

CBD (cannabidiol) is a celebrated natural cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant. There are around 66 are cannabinoids in the plant, including CBD, CBN, THC, and CBDA. These cannabinoids (along with the other compounds – flavanoids, terpenes, etc) are what make cannabis so great. According to […]

The Benefits of Terpenes in CBD Oil

benefits of terpenes

Have you ever wondered about the smell of CBD oil? That very distinct fresh, earthy smell? Well, it comes from things called terpenes. Terpenes are fragrant compounds that give plants their smell. This includes things like hemp, flowers, herbs, and fruits. But these aromatic compounds don’t just smell good. There are many benefits of terpenes, […]