[VIDEO] Hemp for Victory: Vital Resource in Times of Crisis

hemp for victory

Over the last few weeks we’ve seen an alarming increase in concern over the availability of essential healthcare equipment. Of course the most important seem to be surgical masks and ventilators, but then there have also been everyday items for the average household like hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Amazingly, we’ve also seen an impressive […]

Hemp Benefits: Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-everything?

Have you ever heard someone say that hemp can save the world? With the thousands of different uses, this isn’t just some nonsense statement! It literally has HUGE potential when it comes to saving the environment and doing wonders for our economy. But what about the hemp benefits for health? For example, did you know […]

[UPDATED] What is a CBD Certificate of Analysis (& Why Do You Need One)?

CBD is everywhere these days: corner stores, gas stations, coffee houses. And of course, all over the internet. You’ve heard all about this natural compound, but have you heard about a CBD Certificate of Analysis? It’s something you should never overlook. So what is it, exactly, and why is it important? What is a CBD […]

Sports Recovery of the Future: CBD for CTE & Concussions

February is CTE month, and that means there’s a focus on raising awareness about this often debilitating disease. Since our attention is always focused on CBD, we were interested in the role this compound plays, if any, in the management of this condition. We’re also big sports fans, and know that recovery after any injury, […]