Source CBD in the News: Lions and Tigers and Snakes? Oh My

We’re always up for sharing when something cool happens here at Source. And of course that includes when we get Source CBD in the news.

This week, we’re super excited to share that Source, and our awesome CEO Ian Pedersen, are being featured in the latest issue of High Times Magazine!

We know, thanks to ongoing research and many, many testimonials (and our own experiences) that CBD is wonderful for our domestic animals. But they’re not the only ones who can benefit from it.

Ian sat down with the editors to talk about his work with rare and exotic animals, and how CBD has helped them.

Source CBD in the News: Lions and Tigers and Snakes? Oh My

No, that’s not a typo.

“We’ve actually had some really interesting results – not only with huffed animals, and of course canines, felines, but also invertebrates.”

For the last few years, Ian has been working alongside the people at Out of Africa Wildlife Park in Arizona, helping to bring the many benefits to the animals who live there – large and small.

And that includes lions and tigers, and yes, snakes. A rare 130 pound albino python in fact. And even a rare ibex goat. (But no, no bears as of yet.)

Exotic animals get the red carpet treatment at Out of Africa Wildlife Park – and that treatment includes CBD.

CBD for Chalet

Meet Chalet, an extremely rare 380 pound white bengal tiger. Chalet was suffering from lung cancer, and so Ian got to work. He took his extensive knowledge of the endocannabinoid system in mammals, and came up with a CBD regimen he hoped would do the trick.

Here’s Chalet getting her daily dose:

With the daily CBD treatments, Chalet’s energy, mood, and strength improved. And although her illness was terminal, her final months were much happier, and her quality of life vasty improved.

But Chalet wasn’t the only one who benefitted from CBD…

Wild Wonders

Whenever Chalet was out of her sanctuary, her best friend, Kumba, a 400+ pound lion, was out of sorts. The two were inseparable, and so when they were apart, Kumba’s anxiety increased.

The park’s resident big-cat handler asked Ian if perhaps CBD could help with this. After giving Kumba CBD, the results were visible right away. Instead of agitated and uncomfortable, Kumba was once again relaxed and calm.

CBD really is a beautiful thing!

Thanks to High Times for featuring Ian and our ongoing commitment to finding natural solutions for our beloved animals, no matter how big or small they may be.