Cannabichromene: A New Player in the Game


Chances are pretty good that by now you’ve heard of the term cannabinoid. That’s thanks to the rising popularity of CBD over the last few years, as well as the decades-long popularity of THC.

But have you heard of cannabichromene? It’s another cannabinoid that’s starting to get the attention it’s been missing – but totally deserves.

So, let’s right that wrong right now!

What is Cannabichromene?

Also known as CBC, cannabichromene is considered one of the “big six” cannabinoids. The others are:

Like these and other cannabinoids, CBC is a naturally occurring substance that comes from the cannabis plant. Also like CBD, it’s non-intoxicating, and oddly enough, is the second most prominent cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. (I say odd because many still have never heard about it.)

CBC actually comes from another cannabinoid called cannabigerolic acid (CBGA). Think of it as the grandmother cannabinoid. From there, enzymes convert it into cannabichrome carboxylic acid (CBCA) – the mom. The CBCA passes through the CBC synthase (the enzymes that starts the specific process). Over time, or if it’s exposed to heat, CBCA breaks down and becomes cannabichromene. It’s like the super talented kid who’s always winning the talent show!


Like CBD, CBC works by binding with receptors in the body, such TRPV1 and TRPA1, both of which are linked to pain. When CBC activates these receptors, the body releases natural endocannabinoids like anandamide, which are key for pain management.

But that’s not all it does…

CBC Research

Although CBC was actually only discovered about 50 years ago, there’s already a ton of research on it.

Now, we can’t get into the research, per say, but we can share it with you! This gives you just a hint of the potential researchers have discovered in CBC!

CBC and Inflammation Study

Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties of CBC

CBC for Pain

Antitumor Activity of Plant Cannabinoids, Including CBC

Does Your CBD Oil Contain CBC?

Now, that may seem like a silly question because CBD and CBC are two different cannabinoids, but in some cases, your CBD oil might just contain CBC!

So, what might those cases be? When you’ve got full spectrum oil.

Full spectrum CBD oil contains all or nearly all of the compounds naturally present in the cannabis plant. This includes CBC, as well as beneficial terpenes and flavonoids and other cannabinoids. So, if you’re using full spectrum CBD, chances are it contains CBC.

How can you tell for sure? Check the certificate of analysis. It will tell you if there’s CBC in the bottle, as well as the concentration. So, next time you’re buying CBD, make sure it’s full spectrum, and that cannabichromene (CBC) is on the list!