[In The News] CBD for Anxiety in Times of a Pandemic

You may have noticed that we don’t talk a lot about the various benefits of CBD oil. We’re not actually allowed to – the FDA doesn’t like it and we want to respect that (but we encourage you to google them).

That said, we’ve noticed a lot in the news recently about a surge in people using CBD for anxiety to face the struggles of this pandemic.

So, we thought it important to address what’s currently going on. We’ve scoured our news feed, read the virtual papers, and are sharing what some of the biggest media outlets are saying about CBD for anxiety – and why it has become such a vital compound for many at this stressful time!

But first…

Rising Covid-19 Anxiety

Why is anxiety running so high right now? There are so many reasons – many of which you can probably already guess (or are recognizing in yourself).

Anxiety is a normal reaction to the unknown. And right now there are a lot of unknowns. Some people are worrying about their own health and the health of their loved ones. Others have concerns about work, job loss, and their finances in the coming months. Then you have parents at home 24/7 with their kids, trying to juggle homeschooling and working from home. Still others are may feel stress about being stuck insde, not being able to participate in normal social activities.

It’s a lot on a plate that can quickly overflow.

While Covid-19 anxiety might be new so some, others who already experience it on a regular basis may find their anxiety worsening. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association released new data recently showing that nearly half of all Americans (48%) report feeling anxious right now. More than a third say that coronavirus and the resulting anxiety is having a “serious impact on their mental health.”

The thing about anxiety is, while it’s a normal reaction to what we’re all facing, too much of it can have a negative impact on your health. Constant feelings of stress can make it harder to cope. They can also weaken your immune system – and that’s something none of of us need right now.

Note: There is no evidence that CBD can fight or cure Covid-19. Any reports saying this are misleading. Be aware that any research linking the two is in its infancy and nothing concrete has been reported yet. For more on this, check out this post.

CBD for Anxiety

As mentioned, as a general rule we avoid talking about the health benefits of CBD. And that includes CBD for anxiety.

Now, in the last few weeks, the CBD industry has noticed a surge in people turning to CBD to deal with feelings of stress and anxiousness. And that’s great. We’re big proponents of that choice!

As a result of this surge, news outlets around the country have picked up the stories and shared them. Here are of a few of the biggest threads we’ve run across:

CBD for Anxiety in General

When we talk about a surge in the industry, what do we mean? According to consumer insights firm Brightfield Group, a survey of CBD consumers done in early March found that 39% expect to use more CBD during the pandemic.

The press release notes: “There is no question that with much of the country recommending to shelter at home and a pandemic sweeping the globe, anxiety levels are skyrocketing. Anxiety is the #1 ailment of CBD users – 53% of them report it. Depression and insomnia, which likely to spike over the coming months, are #3 & 4. For those that truly need CBD and are relying on it for their health and wellbeing, consumption is expected to continue or increase.”

In a recent CNN article, author and medical doctor June Chin noted that CBD may be “extremely helpful” during the coronavirus pandemic. She notes, “”It tells your body it’s time to power down — so there is a relaxation component.’ This can be extremely helpful during stressful times when someone might experience heightened anxiety levels, like during the coronavirus pandemic.”

CBD as an Essential Business?

Another one of the biggest threads we’re seeing is with retailers fighting to be able to provide for their customers’ needs.

For example, Hemp Industry Daily noted, “CBD retailers say the closures are also affecting customers who rely on the products to help with things like anxiety, pain management and other issues. At such a time of uncertainty, when consumers are experiencing high anxiety because of the coronavirus outbreak, products like CBD need to be available…”

The article goes on to say, “‘Hemp businesses impacted by the shutdown contend that their stores should remain open and considered as essential as legal stores like convenience and liquor stores,’ said Coleman Hemphill, president of the Texas Hemp Industries Association.”

Luckily, many stores across the country, as well as e-commerce platforms, have been able to continue.

CBD as an Alternative for Coping

This is another thread we’ve run across quite a bit, and it’s an important one.

As we all struggle to maintain manageable stress levels, some may turn to various substance, alcohol for example, to take the edge off. For some, this can be troublesome.

Radio and news outlets across the country are warning about this. Take this recent release out of Buffalo, where medical doctor Laszlo Mechtler of the DENT Neurologic Institute notes, “recent data shows more than 60% of patients are dealing with anxiety and or depression during this time. People with nowhere to turn are leaning towards unhealthy habits such as drugs and excess alcohol to cope with this time.”

Dr. Mechtler himself says, “We are losing sight of the fact that this is such a strong mental health pandemic,” he said. “I have a case of a woman who is a mother of five children and normally doesn’t drink at all, she is drinking a pint of vodka a day just to cope.”

According to the Growth Op, “Your reaction to alcohol depends largely on your mood, making it a double-edged sword when undergoing stress. CBD, on the other hand, is said to be able to treat symptoms of anxiety and stress without altering your moods and mindset, becoming a useful tool for managing your emotions.”

If your alcohol consumption seems to have risen in response to your stress, CBD may be a better alternative. Plus, there’s no hangover!

CBD for Anxiety Final Thoughts

As we all work together to see this virus as a thing of the past, we need to remember to be kind to each other. We also need to be kind to ourselves. We need to remember that, no matter the circumstances, we’re doing the best that we can. It’s ok to feel stressed and anxious, but we don’t want those feelings to take over. Whether you turn to meditation, exercise, or CBD to help manage your feelings of anxiety, keep in mind that you’re not alone. This too shall past – and hopefully very soon!

Stay well friends.